Evaporativ kylning

SIBE International AB has been active in the relevant area since 1972 and are specialists in environmentally friendly and energy-efficient technology for EVAPORATIVE COOLING. We offer a complete technology spectrum, with our own functional solutions and designs. These are developed, projected and manufactured according to current conditions. The cooling systems are adapted for installation both as direct and indirect evaporative cooling (exhaust air cooling) and then for installation in ducts and ventilation units. Evaporative cooling is also installed as direct evaporative cooling, outdoors.

With our collective expertise as a basis and our experience from almost 50 years in the relevant field, we guide consultants, public organizations, authorities, wholesalers, contractors and end users on a daily basis. In combination with modern and advanced analysis and simulation tools, we help to design and find the best technical solutions for current projects. With the big picture and the system’s life cycle in focus, we create energy- and water-efficient functional solutions for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient EVAPORATIVE COOLING. We make a strong contribution to creating the opportunity to add as much added value as possible for the end user.

  • Direct evaporative cooling, raises the humidity and lowers the temperature of the supply air
  • Indirect evaporative cooling (exhaust air cooling), does not raise the humidity, but lowers the temperature of the supply air
  • Evaporative cooling is also installed as direct evaporative cooling, outdoors
Evaporativ kylning, frånluftskyla, industri, kylning utomhus

Plastal kyler sin produktionsmiljö med energieffektiv Evaporativ kylning.
Vi kan kyla er verksamhet.



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